3 Benefits of Working With A Health Coach As An Entrepreneur

healthy lifestyle intuitive eating self-care Mar 02, 2021

Thanks to technology, it’s easy to learn how to be healthy. All those Youtube videos, articles, and other resources taught you to eat healthy and to move more.

We have so much knowledge about health, but yet there is a steady increase in the number of people that are developing chronic health problems.

This also goes for entrepreneurs. There are many that just hustle, hustle, hustle so that they eventually burn out.

So how come that humanity is the sickest it’s ever been even though we have so much knowledge at our fingertips?

Here’s the thing, consuming all this general knowledge and even some specific action steps on what to do and how to do it, doesn’t get you closer to your health goals.

As an entrepreneur, it’s so important to make sure you’re in optimal health. Only then, are you able to perform at your absolute best. It’s not just about eating healthy and exercising regularly.

If you want to be truly healthy, you need to take action in all aspects of your life!

And that’s what those free resources don’t support you with. You can know everything there is to know, but if you don’t take action you’ll never achieve your goals.

You might are in a position where you’ve already tried to create a healthier lifestyle but you’ve failed because besides building your business, it was getting too overwhelming.

So what can you do to finally reach your health goals? Well, health coaching could be the perfect solution. There as so many benefits that you can get when working whit a health coach.

Keep on reading to find out 3 of the benefits you get when working with a health coach as an entrepreneur.


3 Benefits of Working With A Health Coach As An Entrepreneur

You get accountability

As health coaches, we WANT to see our clients succeed. We support you through your journey, by helping you identify what’s keeping you stuck and what would be the right steps to take to get closer to your goals.

And, if you fall off track, we’re here to support you in a non-judgmental way to give you the motivation to keep on going.


You get the knowledge

You don’t need to waste your time and energy on your own research. There’s no trial and error. You’ll be guided and provided with the necessary knowledge you need during your journey to a healthier and more balanced life.

You’ll get personalized advice that helps you reach your specific goals. There is so much contradicting and confusing information out there and what works for one person might not work for another. By working with a health coach there will be no guesswork and countless lost hours spent on YouTube!


It saves you money in the long run

Investing in your health is one of the most important investments you can make. Holistic health coaches help you beyond weight loss and dietary changes. We guide you in making small lifestyle changes that benefit your overall health.

Those changes may help you prevent possible future diseases saving you money in the long run because you’ll not just treat the symptoms, like emotional eating for example. Together with your coach you’ll go deep and work on the roots of your problems. This ensures that the problem is truly dealt with.



Whether your goal is to lose weight, create a more balanced lifestyle, or overcome emotional eating (my expertise), a health coach is your best option when it comes to creating long-lasting suitable results.

Investing in oneself always seems daunting at first. When considering how much money you’ll save in the long run, how much money you’ll save by practicing healthier habits, then it becomes invaluable.

Remember, investing in yourself should always be a priority. In years you’ll still be with yourself and hopefully of course fully healthy. But in 10 years, those bags or shoes you like to buy, won’t be there anymore.

If you struggle with emotional eating and/or too much stress, and you’re ready to finally take action to live the life you deserve, then my 1:1 health coaching program is the perfect fit for you!


The Manifesting Food Freedom Coaching program is perfect for you if you:

  • Constantly try new diets, which never seem to work and usually lead you to binge or emotional eating.
  • After each diet, end up feeling like a total failure, blaming yourself, or your lack of ‘willpower.’
  • Want to be able to better manage your stress and anxiety.
  • Have negative self-talk, and low self-esteem that you aren’t able to get rid-off by yourself.
  • You’re done with the constant overwhelm and poor time management
  • Are ready to take action right NOW by getting healthy holistically, and focus not just on food, but your body and mind too.

You deserve to be happy, you deserve to be successful!


But ask yourself, can you truly be that if you’re constantly worrying about food, how you look? If you’re sabotaging yourself with negative thoughts?

Just imagine,

  • having all the energy you need to successfully run your business
  • finally being able to love yourself & your body
  • not having to worry about everything you eat & feel guilty about it
  • being able to manage stress in a way that increases your motivation & productivity
  • finally being happy & not making it depend on how much you weigh

The Manifesting Food Freedom Program will help you achieve just that!


It’s a 12 week 1:1 coaching experience designed to help you better manage stress, heal your relationship with food and finally overcome emotional eating so that you can run your business with the energy and strong mindset needed!

During our weekly calls, we’ll cover things like; body image & self-love, interpreting your cravings, stress management, intuitive eating & exercising, and soo much more!

Book your FREE non-binding call HERE, and let’s talk about your vision and goals to see if I’m truly able to help you!

Learn How To Unblock Your Limiting Beliefs To Successfully Manifest Your Desires

Download the FREE PDF-GUIDE below and learn more about how you can unblock your limiting beliefs and turn them into loving, supporting ones.

If you want to manifest more of what you want instead of what you don't, you need to start working on your inner world.

Our thoughts turn into beliefs, those turn into actions which then turn into your reality. Master your mindset, become that energetic match and start living in your dream reality.

It is possible. You just need to work on the foundation (your beliefs) if you haven't seen success yet but want to. And I know you do.